OEM Product

11000890 Hertz Oil Filter 3121

EDMAC reference: 3004085245

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1311123110 Hertz Oil Filter 3121

The Hertz Oil Filter 3121, also known as the 1311123110 Oil Filter, is a high-quality spare part designed specifically for Hertz compressor machines. This Hertz 3121 Filter is engineered to provide superior filtration, ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of your compressor. The 1311123110 Hertz Filter is easy to install and replace, making maintenance a breeze. Trust the Hertz 1311123110 Oil Filter to keep your compressor running smoothly and efficiently, protecting your investment and ensuring uninterrupted operation.


  • High Filtration Efficiency: The 1311123110 Hertz Oil Filter 3121 is designed to provide high filtration efficiency, removing impurities and contaminants from the oil to ensure smooth operation of the compressor.
  • Durable Construction: This oil filter is made with robust materials that can withstand high pressure and temperature, ensuring long-lasting performance and durability.
  • Easy Installation: The Hertz Oil Filter 3121 is designed for easy installation, allowing for quick and hassle-free replacement.
  • Improved Compressor Performance: By ensuring clean oil supply, this filter helps to improve the overall performance and efficiency of the compressor.
  • Extended Equipment Life: Regular use of the 1311123110 Hertz Oil Filter 3121 can help to extend the life of your compressor by preventing damage caused by contaminated oil.
  • Cost-Effective: This oil filter is a cost-effective solution for maintaining your compressor, as it helps to reduce the need for costly repairs or replacements due to oil contamination.

Edmac Alternative

If you are looking for a similar product to the 1311123110 Hertz Oil Filter 3121, Edmac Europe offers an equivalent item that matches in quality and performance. The best part is, Edmac's version comes at a more competitive price, providing you with the same reliability and efficiency but at a cost that is more budget-friendly. So why not consider switching to Edmac for your oil filter needs and enjoy the benefits of high-quality products at more affordable prices?

More Information
Item net weight (kg) 1.000000
Package length (mm) 100.00
Package height (mm) 210.00
Package width (mm) 100.00
Brand Hertz
Stocked at Edmac No
Subcategory Oil Filters
Edmac reference 3004085245
Cross references 11000890, 1311123100, 1311123110, 3004085245, 3004085762
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