Terms & Conditions

Welcome to our Loyalty Program! We reward your loyalty!

The program is intended to reward you with the best pricing conditions based on your loyalty. The more you buy, the better discounts you will receive.
By participating in this program, you agree to the following terms and conditions. These terms govern how you earn, maintain, and upgrade your loyalty level.


  • Loyalty levels are based on the total value of orders received within a full calendar year (January 1st - December 31st).
  • At the beginning of each new year, customers start with a loyalty level determined by the total value of orders received in the previous year.
  • To maintain or upgrade your loyalty level, you must meet the required order received value for the respective level within the current year.


  • A loyalty level upgrade occurs the day after* you reach the required value of orders received.
*This applies only to webshop orders; manual orders may take longer to reflect in the loyalty level calculations


If you do not meet the required orders received value to maintain your current loyalty level, a downgrade will occur on the last day of the calendar year.
The value of canceled orders will be deducted from the value of orders received, which may result in an immediate downgrade to the respective level.


  • The Loyalty Program is subject to change at any time, including eligibility criteria, benefits, and order thresholds.
  • Any misuse or abuse of the program may result in disqualification from participation.
  • The company reserves the right to modify or terminate the Loyalty Program without prior notice.

By continuing to participate in our Loyalty Program, you accept these terms and conditions. For any questions or further details, please contact our sales team.

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